61 THE EEEF’S TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FACILITY 6262 IMPACT AND OUTCOMES (2017–2022) Joining the efforts of the EU 2030 framework for climate and energy and the 2050 climate- neutral objectives, the Fund increased the primary energy savings and greenhouse gas emis- sions (CO2 equivalents) reduction of all its TA projects from 20% to a 30% target. Overall, the cumulative primary energy savings expected from the ten TA projects will save energy to nearly 58,331 MWh (equivalent to 48.5%) and reduce CO2 emissions to 20,217 tCO2e (49.7%). The table below shows the impact measurement breakdown of each project: TABLE: IMPACT MEASUREMENT TA Projects Country Tender published, Yes (Y)/Not (N) Sector Building (B)/lighting points (LP), in numbers Annual popula- tion reached Expected energy saved, (%) per year Expected emission avoided, tCO2eq (%) per year Leverage factor, (x) 10 Daugavpils LV TOTAL 90,092 (LP)/ 193 (B) 1,751,808 48.5 2,586 (LP)/ 13 (B)/ 27,533 9,000 (LP) 79,120 55 60 55 68.84 60 49.7 43.35 55.26 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 City of Gijón ES Ferrara Province Ducal Palace of Modena Province of Bolzano Kaunas Ukmergė Silute Klaipeda U Hospital IT IT IT LT LT LT LT City of Sestao ES Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N EE (building) 62 (B) 5 (B) 8,989 (LP) 5 (B) 11(B) 3 (B) EE (street lighting/ building), RE (PV) EE (street lighting/ building) EE (thermal systems & public build- ing) EE (street lighting) EE (building) EE (building) EE (building) EE (street lighting, building, e-mobility)/ RE (energy communities using PV) EE (street lighting) 42, 960 (LP)/ 85 (B) 271,780 30 26,557 (LP)/ 9 (B) 345,691 ca. 40 30 48 51 48 63 48 45 186,741 533,373 96,441 33,471 14,968 51 58 63 34 45 162,690 ca. 49 ca. 49 57.54 79.23 26.49 92.54 20.55 24.24 46.16 36.97 From 2017 to 2022, the TAF programme has been supporting (i) energy efficiency measures, such as street lighting up- grades (i.e., installation of green tech- nology, the replacement of luminaires and traffic lights, IoT nodes, a digital platform to manage and monitor the energy flow acting as a small smart grid solution, etc.), public buildings renova- tion and retrofit, (ii) renewable energy solutions, including the development of energy communities using PV programs, building-integrated PV systems, the in- stallation of aerothermal and hydrother- mal systems, etc.), and (iii) urban trans- port, such as an e-mobility program (i.e., e-car, e-bikes, charging stations, etc.). Results show 90,092 lighting points and 193 buildings to be renovated. Additio- nally, eight buildings / structures with an area of ca. 4,281 m2 are expected to be reserved for energy communities. More information about this will be presented in the next report. So far, 15 public and municipal authori- ties will benefit from the TAF programme (including 48 elderships referring to the projects in Lithuania). The population reached through its energy-related ac- tivities will be around 1,751,808 inhabi- tants. Generally, it takes one and a half years for each municipality to publish the tender and two years to comple- te the preparation of the programme (selection of winner ESCO and signature of contract). After completing the TA programme, each project goes to the implementation phase (estimated 10 – 15 years). It comprises the construction phase, which takes two to three years for each project, and continues with the operational phase of ca.12 years. Therefore, it is expected that the bene- fits of the TAF programme will continue to be leveraged after two to three years of completing the project preparation. Up to now, the Ferrara TA project, Gijón TA project, and Kaunas TA project have been completed. eeef expects to expand its support to more regions. Currently, it is in preli- minary discussions with further public authorities in Spain (Asturias and Cata- lonia region) for potential projects. eeef expects to achieve contractual closing with both public authorities by 2023. Funding In December 2016, the Fund and the European Investment Bank ('EIB') signed the ELENA Contract (1 February 2017 – 30 June 2021) for funding project deve- lopment services (PDS). The eeef TAF re- ceived total funds of EUR 1.8 m from the EIB – European Local Energy Assistance ('ELENA') TA Facility under the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union. eeef successfully fulfilled its commit- ment to supporting ambitious public beneficiaries in developing sustainable energy investment programmes. From the TAF inception to date, the eeef has contributed ca. EUR 2.2 m (including the reimbursement of the Ferrara TA project in 2020 of EUR 408,975), which was supplemented by the ELENA funds of EUR 1.8 m until mid-2021. The eeef’s TAF available for projects has, in total, reached over EUR 4 m, of which ca. EUR 2.7 m are already committed to ten signed projects respectively, and the remaining to other fees and eeef costs (i.e., external experts, TA management fees, etc.) leading to ca. of EUR 900,000 available for new projects. Please note, eligible costs of EUR 379,500 have been included for the two new TA agreements signed in 2022 and self-financed by the Fund). New funding is expected to come in 2023 to support more public benefi- ciaries.