Gijón is the first city joining eeef to collaborate on the new eeef Technical Assistance Facility

Ayuntamiento de Gijón is the first public authority that will participate in the new Technical Assistance Facility of the Fund, which has also received funding from the ELENA Facility under Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union. The objective of the new facility is to support public entities to prepare investment programmes for a sustainable transformation in the areas of energy efficiency (mainly public building renovation and street lighting upgrades) as well as small scale renewable energy. eeef has selected a pool of consultants to work closely with the public authorities during the preparation of energy audits and public tender process. With the full commitment of its Mayoress, City of Gijon has embarked on an ambitious journey to finalise energy audits for 98 public buildings and 40,000 street lighting points, identifying the set of energy efficiency and /or renewable energy related interventions as well as publishing the tendering documentation to launch a €20m investment programme (estimated) in renovation works and preferably selecting an ESCO company to realise the measures within a two year timeframe. eeef will be accompanying the City during the whole process, while  collaborating with the management team proposed by the City side by side.

eeef is confident being the right partner for medium-sized European cities which have the drive and willingness to elaborate and implement investment programmes and as a result offer their citizens a more clean and liveable environment.

eeef is welcoming other European cities to follow suit the case study of Gijón in launching comparable projects – the new eeef Technical Assistance is available for further applications. Please visit:

City of Gijón is the largest municipality with a population of 270,000 citizens in the community of Austurias in Spain. Since 3 years, the City has been developing its European agenda and positioning itself as ‘Gijón en Europa’ with a number of projects and initiatives at European level.

The European Energy Efficiency Fund (eeef) S.A., SICAV-SIF is a “société d’investissement à capital variable” governed by Luxembourg law and initiated by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Investment Bank. eeef increased the initial capitalisation provided by the European Commission with contributions from the sponsors European Investment Bank, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti as well as the investment manager Deutsche Bank. eeef is an innovative public-private partnership dedicated to mitigate climate change through energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy in the Member States of the European Union.

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